
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Now I know my ABC’s.....

Now that my little boy is at the reading age – OK more like he is at the age where I read and he tries to eat the book and tear the pages – anyway - I have started looking for some ABC flash cards. Who knows if this method actually works – but I have become a bit obsessed with them. You can get sweet ones, vintage ones, nerdy ones – the list is endless. So – for all those looking for ABC cards (they make great presents also) – here are a few to choose from.
English Alphabet Flash Cards - 1940s reproduction of a childrne's french book - from "Touch of Europe"

A is for Apple Vintage Flashcards - 5x7 - Set of 26 - from "prettylittlestudio" on etsy

For something a little different (and tongue in cheek) - Nerdy Baby ABC flash cards
from "electricboogaloo" on etsy

Alphabet Letter Photography from "alfabetfotos" on etsy
Apparently these images / letters are the result of four years of "letter harvesting" excursions in 3 countries and 15 states. You can check out Michael's full collection here

"Now I know my ABC's, next time won't you sing with me"

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Photos that never see the light of day - nature

I am not a big nature lover – sure I enjoy being outdoors – particularly in the back yard now that my little one is starting to notice where he is, but I am not one for bushwalking. That being said, where I live there is a little known bushwalk and once you descend the stairs it is like you are in another world, worlds away from busy roads, buses, trains and general suburbia.

Today’s photos that never see the light of day were taken along this bushwalk. These will probably never make it on my walls at home, but I do like to look at them now and then

My First Craft Swap:

I love making cards, and while my Made It site is slowly building up (still waiting for that first illusive order – free postage if anyone is interested) I have a surplus of cards just itching to be sent out. So when I saw Calico & Co’s Big Birthday Craft Swap I immediately signed up for my first ever craft swap. I eagerly waited to find out who my swap partner was and packaged up my little package of cards and tags. Off to the post office on Monday and by Wednesday I had received an email from my swap partner GemmaJoy thanking me for the cards. And better yet – she mentioned me on her blog – my first ever blog shout out – thanks GemmaJoy. GemmaJoy blogs and makes and sells beautiful headbands, fascinators and brooches on Made It. Her products are perfect for the upcoming racing seasons. She also does custom orders.

A red flower fascinator made from felt and tulle $25

A classic combination of black stitching on white felt

I am eagerly waiting for my surprise parcel to arrive and will let you all know about the goodies when they arrive.

Getting the House in Order

As I am due back at work shortly after some 9 months off, I am desperately trying to get the house in order and finish off all the jobs I wanted to do in my time off. Unfortunately the blue rose wall paper in our bedroom is still there and will still be there next month (and possibly year), but last night – I finished the kitchen (well except for painting the ceiling – but seriously who ever looks up)!

Works done: painted walls and timber work (this was done about 2 years ago just to give you an idea of how long this has been going on - our entire house was painted blue when we bought it), new handles, pink laminate cupboards painted white, white with pink and grey spot splashback tiles painted soft green. Not 100% happy with the splashback tile colour but I think it might grow on me.

Some before and after shots:

Before (obviously)

After (my hubbies b'day was over a week ago but i quite like the bunting!)

This weekend – I am re-staining the back deck. Smelly work.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Etsy Find: Jenn Ski

I stumbled across Jenn Ski whilst surfing etsy this afternoon, and I couldn’t pull myself away until I checked out everything she does. Something about her art really appeals to me. Bit of background from her website: “Jenn Ski is an award-winning graphic designer and artist, with a passion for modern and mid-20th century art and design. In her work, she strives to balance these seemingly unrelated forces. The result is artwork that, while beautifully delicate, is incredibly sophisticated and, in one word, cool.”

Consider it added to the wish list (and yes they ship to Australia).

Jenn Ski etsy store here

Website here

Blog here

I encourage you to check it out.

More Cards on Made It

I am slowly slowly getting my "Made It" store up and running (I have to schedule taking photos around my 8 month baby boy O!) and have added a few new cards - have a look - I would love to know what you think of them.

Animal Fun

Little Girls Love

Three Little Circles - Boys

 Three little cupcakes on pink spot

Gerald Giraffe on Turquoise Spot
 Also - did i mention - FREE POSTAGE FOR MY FIRST 10 ORDERS!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Photos that never see the light of day come out to play

I go through phases with my photography when it seems I never have my camera out of my hand and other times when I am happy to leave it at home (my SLR camera that is – I would never be parted from my iphone!). One of my biggest problems though is what to do with my photos. I only have so many walls in my house, I have the digital photo frame running 24/7, I can only make so many photography greeting cards..... So – the plan is to post photos on here I have taken that otherwise would never see the light of day. Let me know what you think of them – the good and the bad (but be nice with the bad).

Today’s photos are brought to you with the letter B – for Bondi Beach. They were taken in April last year. I am currently using the black and white one as a bookmark and for some reason I keep coming back to it.....

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hearblack - relax and stay a while

I have always found the internet somewhat addictive and can spend countless hours searching for nothing but finding everything. I am particularly bad when I am researching holidays (I am a closet travel agent). So ever since I “discovered” blogs the other night (apparently I have been living under a rock for some time now)– I have spent every spare moment on the internet going from one blog to the next. Some I poke around a bit, some I leave almost as soon as I arrive, and then every now and then you come across a gem of a blog where you stop and stay a while. I hope to highlight these blogs along the way. Firstly my latest find in my internet travels:


Their “About Us” page tells you practically nothing other than: “recently married. we met and currently live in Hawaii”. I can only assume they are photographers and artists – given their blog is made up almost entirely of photos – beautiful, captivating, awe-inspiring, photos and their etsy store is made up of photos and artwork.

Here are some of my favourite photos (it was hard to choose only a few). I highly recommend you grab a cup of coffee, relax and enjoy this beautiful blog:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Consignment or Not - etsy article

For all those in the business of selling a product there is a great article on etsy today about whether to sell on consignment or not. This is always a difficult decision and whilst selling on consignment can get your foot in the door - you have to wear the upfront costs, risk of a trader doing the dodgy on you, not displaying your pieces to their full potential and also the need to constantly check how the stocks are selling. shamarjewels advice - offer a 2 for 1 deal. For more details - check out the full article here. I will definitely be giving this response a go next time i am asked whether I sell on consignment.


I have a confession - My name is Kate and i am a stationery addict. I have been an addict since my primary school days. I have tried to kick the habit - OK maybe not tried to kick the habit - but have tried to limit my spending. I have a beautiful timber box of coloured pencils from my University Days (I was studying architecture so it was a perfect excuse to buy them) that i rarely have use for - but every now and then i like to get them out just to look and smell them. Anyway - I digress - now you all just think I am a wierdo. Back to my point.
There is a new stationery store in town - good quality, cool products and cheap.
Welcome Typo.
Their tag line is: "Type is a one stop concept store with irresistible products to fill your space with confidence. Taking trends from the fashion industry and applying them to notebooks, decal wall art, gift wrap and other specialty items, Typo offers products with attitude. Type is fast and affordable"
From what i can gather - they are run by the same company as "Cotton On" who i also love for their basics and to boost my wardrobe in a very affordable way. Some of Typo's products:
Write on desk pad $7.95

A5 buffalo journal $14.95

Flip clock wood grain $19.95
Their website does not do their great number of products justice - so check out a store near you - they are all over Australia already so there is probably one just down the road from you and you just haven't found it yet

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Children's Wall Art

I am a bit of a sucker when it comes to all things kids at the moment - if i could i would spend millions - but alas we have not won the lottery (this week that is- one must be positive) so i often buy toys from the Baby and Kids Markets. An off shoot of these are the homemade Matilda Markets where i found myself last week looking for inspiration on all things kiddy.
Couple of goodies I came across:

I loved these prints - unfortunatly i just don't have the wall space at the moment
Dream Big
Size 8 x 10 inches. Fits in a standard sized frame.
About: An original hand drawn and digital illustration exclusive to Gelati Art and printed on 340 gsm chlorine and acid free paper
Price $20.00 (inc. GST)

The Whale and Boat

Size: 8 x 8 inches
About: An original hand drawn collage illustration by Nikki Catalano, printed on Lana Fine Art Drawing Paper. Featuring ink, sewn fabric, watercolour and digtal colouring
Price $20.00 (inc. GST)

Check out Vanessa's store here

More from the markets soon

PS - this blog stuff is addictive!

Welcome to me

OK - so my first ever blog post. Scary stuff, but as I am about to go back to work 4 days a week after 9 months off (to have my beautiful baby boy O) and launching a new line of greeting cards and gift tags - i feel it has to be done. Yes call me crazy. Making the most of social media i think it is called - my beautiful  friend, from the wonderful Sarah Allen Consulting would be so proud!
My aims of this blog
  1. no fewer than one post per week
  2. post only those things i love - in the hope you love them to.
  3. be positive (it is all about karma!)
  4. use this blog for good not evil
  5. live a balanced life - sometimes you just need a little me time in this busy busy world we live in.
So to start things of - two things i came across today on the Urban Outfitters Blog which brought a smile to my face:

Marcel the Shell with shoes on - too cute and brought a smile to my face:
 Written and voiced by Jenny Slate, and directed by Dean Fleischer-Camp. Marcel is kind of a shell, but she has shoes, an eye, no dog and a good heart. Take 2 minutes from your day to watch this gorgeous clip (sorry have yet to work out how to post video clips).

Ghetti Pencil Carvings Dalton Ghetti carves amazingly detailed miniature sculptures out of pencil tips: a boot, linked hearts, a tiny hammer and an entire tiny alphabet

For more go to: (though you may need to speak German to follow it!)