
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Spring Garden Party - Decorating Ideas

I was lucky enough to attend one of my best friends sons Naming Day on the weekend at her beautiful home in northern Sydney. We were blessed with perfect weather and the setting was likewise perfect for sipping champagne! Couple of decorating ideas I have stolen and filed for future use:
Paint a canvas with blackboard paint – instant notice board!
Deciduous trees not working for you – decorate them with your own blossoms and streamers

Nothing like nature to put on a spectacular blossom show. Add in some paper lanterns and you have an instant scene

It was a beautiful day and I was honoured to be asked to take photos for them as a permanent record and to allow them to relax and enjoy the party and their guests


  1. Dearest Kate, thank you for taking the time to write this blog post. I'm so happy you were inspired by my own little inspiration --> Morgan that is! He makes me see the world in a better light. Rose coloured glasses anyone?
    Sar xx
    ps. the photos make it all the more beautiful you talented thing!

  2. it was my pleasure treasure. Forgot to mention in the blog that you managed all this decorating, plus catering with an 8 month old and house guests. Impressive.
