
Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Lovin Friday - One Perfect Day

I came across Sarah’s blog, One Perfect Day, yesterday in my wandering around blog world. What originally drew me in were the photographs. Each one seems to capture such a beautiful moment in time. Sarah is a mummy to one little boy (who’s blonde hair and blue eyes remind me of my own little boy) and lives with her “patient, loving and gracious” husband in Queensland. Sarah’s blog is about her adventures with her son and husband and their discoveries along the way. It all makes me want to go to the beach and enjoy my little man. Some of my favourites from her recent posts:
Thank you Sarah for making me blog happy


  1. Hi, am visiting from My Sweet Prints blog and am glad to have discovered yours now too. I too love Sarah's blog - she is such an inspiring mum and blogger x

  2. oh, so nice to meet you Kate...i am so happy that you found me and now i can follow you lovely little blog! your little boy is just so cute...the photo of me looking through the cardboard box so very sweet.
    I am pleased that i made you blog happy! x
