
Friday, November 12, 2010

Blog Lovin Friday - My Sweet Prints

It is no secret that I love Janette from “My Sweet Prints” work, but I also love her blog. I have been lucky enough to meet Janette, her little man Will (and the luscious cat Minky) in person when we worked out we lived just around the corner from one another and she invited me round for tea (very civilised!).
 If I had to describe Janette in two words I would say sweet and caring and this is how she comes across in her blog too. One day may be a tour of houses she dreams of living in, another about her little man’s first day at little school or another about an amazing artist she wants to share with the world. It is refreshing bite size of sweetness and I look forward to reading Janette’s blog each day.
Take a moment and check it out here (and cross your fingers for Minky).
Better yet – Janette has a giveaway on at the moment, but please don’t enter too many times as I am eyeing off her evening routine bus roll poster
Thank you Janette for making me blog happy


  1. Janette's blog is one of the first I head to each day too - her warmth and kindness really come across in her posts and she's become a great friend of mine through our blogs. Have a lovely weekend and good luck in her giveaway x

  2. Oh thank you so much Kate, that's the nicest post EVER! You are so kind to write such nice things about me and my little blog. I love reading your blog too and it's been so nice meeting in person. We'll have to get together for that coffee in a week or two :)
