
Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Creative Space - Texta Box

Inspired by Jane over at Life on Planet Baby and her beautifully transformed washi tape decorated cake tin post yesterday - I took to my sons texta box last night with a little bit of washi tape, scrapbooking paper and modge podge.

The original undecorated box - nice box but a little bit boring

Washi tape covered sides

The perfect paper for a little boy's texta box

Best part - the box was a recycled box from a set of magnets I bought from the $2 shop - so really, as I had everything on hand - it cost nothing!
Head over here for more Creative Spaces


  1. Looks fantastic Kate! Will is sitting next to me and pointed and said 'That's mine' (his fav saying at the mo) and I said 'No it's Ollie's texta box' and he said 'little bubby Ollie'! hehehehe!

  2. Modge Podge rocks doesn't it? Box looks wonderful.

  3. Well bravo you, Kate! It looks fabulous, you crafty minx ☺. And thanks for the sweet mention, too. J x

  4. But now it's too pretty for textas!!!
