
Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Creative Space - Summer PJ's

My creative endevours this week have branched into the children's clothing realm - PJ's to be more exact. It was time for the flannels to be retired (both because they are now too small and it was way too hot) so i whipped up some PJ's for my son. When i say whipped up - i mean i read a bunch of tutorials online, books, consulted with my mum, and eventally came up with my own pattern from another pair of his shorts - and here are the results:

I have to admit I am a little chuffed with myself! I am even considering making some summer shorts for him to wear outside the safety of our house.  For more Creative Spaces - head over here
(PS - self promotion - i am having a 48 hour facebook sale (end Friday) for some new gift tags i have been working on - you can check out my facebook sale here)


  1. Those are some groovy looking pj's!
    We did a Dr Seuss themed lst birthday for our little man last year and I made him a bow tie and shorts from that same fabric :)

  2. sooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!
    I want some for myself! :D
