
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Two Big Announcements for Another Donkey Design

Today I have two big announcements for Another Donkey Design - one a little bit more life changing than the other - but both exciting nonetheless!

Firstly - the life changing news.... we are expecting another baby.

(My baby bump in Fiji in September)
Confession time - this is not actually new news. In fact I am more than just a little bit pregnant, I am actually 29 weeks pregnant today. Apologies for not sharing sooner, but for whatever reason, I have been putting off this announcement (except for those who I saw at the ABCD Sydney event last month - there was no hiding the secret there and not just because i was not drinking!) So that is the reason my little man is moving to a new Big Boy Room in the coming weeks - and on a side note the room is almost finished and i promise to share the photos when it is done. And before you ask - we are not finding out the sex beforehand - we are going to keep it a surprise like we did with our son.

Second announcement for the day (seems a little minor in comparison)- with only 2 months till Christmas - Another Donkey Design is having it's first ever facebook sale for Christmas gift tags, twine and other excess stock (the nesting is kicking in and i need to clear out the cupboards!). Sale will kick off at 8pm Wednesday 26th October 2011 (AEST) and will finish 8pm Friday 28th October 2011 (or until stocks last)
Some of the goodies on offer include:

Hope to see you all there!


  1. So happy to hear it officially through the blog...hehe... Hope all is well! And I have shared your sale... Good luck with both hehe... Much love Steph

  2. Oh Kate! I'm just so delighted for you. What glorious news. Enjoy these last precious weeks of being just 3 ☺. J x

  3. Congratulations Kate, that is so exciting for you all. xx

    PS I am looking forward to the sale too.
