
Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Babies Room

I know I said I wasn't going to blog for a bit - but before I take my break, I thought I would quickly share the babies new room with you all. As we are not finding out whether we are having a boy or a girl I have had to go neutral for now, and then once bubs arrives, I have my eye on a whole bunch of prints for the main wall.

 First off is a cloud mobile made from some fabric I bought over a year ago with no particular project in mind, and a branch that i found washed up on the beach at Copa when I was away on a girls weekend last year. The plan is to hang it from a eye hook in the ceiling, but as that requires husbands assistance it is taking a little time!

My inspiration for this mobile came from Jolie Momes Factory blog.

Next up is the family photo wall above the cot

And lastly an ABC gardland to fill the main wall until I decide on some prints

(This garland will be available to buy in my etsy store as a DIY kit in the next month or so - keep an eye out).

So there you have it - if you want to see what the room looked like when it was my son's first room - you can check out my post on it here. I also have a pinterest board dedicated to my fav kids room ideas - I have so many ideas and things i want to try.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My One New Years Resolution for 2012

2012 Resolution Notebook by iloveitall on etsy
First post of 2012 - best make it a resolutions one. I am not a huge one for resolutions- not sure why - just never really got into it. But last year I did make some (see the post here) - and I would say I did pretty well at getting through them. As expected the "exercise once a week" never got off the ground (unless running after after a one year old some counts - surely it does), but I would say I did achieve the "spend more time outside as a family".

So what's up for 2012 - well I am not going to make a list this year (as much as i love ticking things off lists) - but I will make one:

To be the best mum I can be to my son and our soon (very very soon) to join us second child. And above all - to be honest about it.

What do I mean be honest about it? Recently I had a very close friend comment that I make pregnancy look easy and I appear to breeze through it. Yes i have been very lucky in that my pregnancy has had no complications and having small babies also helps particularly in the last few months. That is not to say it has been easy though - most days I would come home so exhausted from work, I was hanging for my 5pm nap whenever possible, I had some serious moments of irrational bitchiness to my husband, tears for no reason more often than I care to remember, short patience with the world and did I mention I have been exhausted for the last 9 months. So why did i hide this side of my pregnancy from my closest friends. I honestly don't know. So - hence 2012 is going to be a year about being honest in my role as a mother. When someone asks how I am, I am not going to breeze over it and say - good thanks, how are you.

So that's my resolution. Any you care to share?

PS - i will be awol for the next couple of weeks - due to baby stuff (as in having it and surviving the first few weeks), but promise to be back soon! In the meantime I will be hanging out on facebook - so make sure to stop by for any baby annoucements and to say hello.