
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sleeping babies - when is it boasting?

Photo of Emily by Hayley Grace Photography
Is it just me or are there other mums out there who have been afraid to talk about how well their kids are sleeping for fear of it being taken as boasting or for fear of making others feel bad? Here's the thing - my darling baby girl, who turned six weeks last Sunday, slept through the night 5 out of 7 nights over the past week. When I say slept through the night, she has finally gone down just before 9pm (she refuses to sleep between 6pm and 9/10pm for some reason), had a dream feed at 10.30 and then she has slept through til 6 or 7 am. Now personally I think this is bloody brilliant of her and has nothing to do with anything i have done, but when people ask me how she is sleeping i simply say, "she is pretty good" as i don't want to be seen as bragging. It was the same with labour - I was lucky, small baby and all, and it wasn't too horrendous, yet I feel almost guilty when I tell people this.

Are there others out there who have felt this way? If someone told you there kid was sleeping through would you see it as bragging? Or is it just me? Should we not be celebrating each others luck even if it does make us a little jealous?

PS - little miss conveniently woke up for a 3.30am feed last night so I won't have the dilema at mothers group today as to whether or not to say she is sleeping through the night. Very thoughtful of her, and it did give me an excuse to watch Housewives of Beverly Hills.


  1. No it's not bragging Kate, she's just a wonderful little bub. I told Glen how she was so good and just sleeping in my arms through all the noise etc. I remember when Will started sleeping well for a certain stage i felt embarrassed to admit it too but nothing is set in stone he's gone through lots of phases of sleeping well then sleeping terribly for some reason so I think you just have to enjoy it as much as you can in case it changes but fingers crossed it doesn't :)

  2. haha its funny! Some woman love to tell you how tired they are and how many times they woke up so they can get sympathy....obviously some are just letting you know they are fucking tired nothing else more! And yes some woman LOVE to brag about how amazing their child is and go on an on about how 'well behaved' their child is and it gets a bit much! I personally cant stand that, but i quite like to hear a girlfriend say with relief in their voice "bubby is now sleeping through the night, its amazing"... i love hearing this cos i know they have been tired as hell waking and feeding and when they sleep through the night i feel happy for them cos they get to sleep too!! With my little man i just tell it how it is, not to brag, not for sympathy, just the facts! Some other mothers are busting to one up you....i got it a lot cos i bottle fed. I found from the beginning my little man loved his sleep, and i am not into waking to feed, i just let him tell me when he needed a bottle and from about 2 months he did pretty good just waking for a little bottle at about 11pm and going straight back to sleep til 7am. So when people asked how he was sleeping, i would just tell them that.....and i would always get, Oh its cos he is bottle fed....I actually think its cos he likes to sleep! Even now he is 4.5years and he likes us to read him a story before bed, then he likes to read to himself and he always yells out he is ready to sleep, or just gets up and turns his light off and doesnt wake up until 8-8:30am.....i love my sleep ins.....he is just that kind of sleeper! Nothing to brag about really, but it makes life at bed time pleasant. ..i say tell how it is! Its not bragging....unless u accompany your comments with "she is just an amazing sleeper and so perfect blah blah" like if u go on and on i think thats bragging!!

  3. I don't think it's bragging at all, but I know what you mean about feeling guilty sharing your luck. I was the same with Grace and my mother's group back then when she was sleeping in a similar pattern to your little one. This time, I'm more reluctant to share any good luck for fear of jinxing myself :) As Janette said above, you never know when things will flip around and their sleeping pattern will change so you have to enjoy it while it lasts. I've been thinking of introducing a dream sleep soon too, I did it back with Grace and it worked but these days, I can't stay up much past 9.30pm in order to do it!! :)

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  4. Just tell it as it is Kate, no two days can ever be the same. Smile when you can, frown when you want! Kate pop on over to my blog and enter my vintage giveaway. Emily would look so cute in a pair of my knickernoos!

    1. Just entered. Great givesaway - Em would look so cute in them!!!

  5. I was sure #2 would be a nightmare for you but I'm happy she's not. And I hope it means that my little nightmare on Alma St will sleep through before my 'prince/ss' arrives in September!! Otherwise we are all coming to sleep in the magic castle that is YOUR place xxo

  6. I was blessed with two of the easiest babies on the planet. Both sleep well and long, even now at 2 and 5. You are right though it's something I try not to mention, especially to my two closest friends who have children who just don't seem to need sleep, one has a 14 month old who has never slept more than cat naps since birth - I would be a dead woman if mine had not been good sleepers. Enjoy!!
