
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Times they are a changing.... I am baking

I used to be the friend who made the cakes from the Woman's Weekly Cook Book for all my friends birthdays, but eventually I got sick of baking cakes which were mediocre at best due to a dodgy oven (or at least I blame the oven). So when the grill finally died on our oven (it was the only part I was still using) - it was time to bring in a new one. And it appears my baking mojo also got delivered with the oven because I have caught the baking itch. In the last 2 1/2 weeks I have baked 2 cakes and one batch of cookies. The cookies are Chewy Chocolate Cream Cheese Cookies (part brownie, part cheesecake, part cookie) from the latest Real Living Magazine. Normally i don't even look at the receipes, but times they are a changing apparently!

Next up is a baked chicken. Would you believe i have never cooked one before.... off to call my mum for some advice on what the hell I am meant to do with it.

1 comment:

  1. I can cook a lot of things but I've never attempted roast chicken before either :) Your baking all looks yummy!
